Amsterdam Trip Q&A Session Scheduled

January 15, 2018By Costa Vavagiakisannouncements, painting abroad

Come meet Rick Brosen and me on Thursday, January 25, 2018, from 12:30-1:30pm at the Phyllis Harriman Mason Gallery at the Art Students League of New York (ASL). We will be there to answer your questions regarding our Amsterdam Workshop which is scheduled for June 3-11, 2018. Philip Levine, ASL travel coordinator, will also be … Read More

Join Me in Amsterdam!

January 2, 2018By Costa Vavagiakisannouncements, painting abroad

Experience Amsterdam under the tutelage of two of the Art Students League’s long-time instructors, Frederick Brosen and Costa Vavagiakis. This 8-night, 9-day immersive art workshop in late spring should not be missed. Students will benefit from the unique opportunity of interacting with both instructors as they work outdoors at chosen locations along the canals and … Read More