Monday–Friday, July 29–Aug. 2, 2019 | 9:00 AM–5:00 PM | $920
This all-day all-week workshop is designed to help the student learn the finer points of this time-honored art form. All the stages of the portrait painting process will be examined from the under-painting to the completed portrait. Students will develop a good foundation for capturing likeness by studying the underlying structure of the skull and features of the face. We will explore the effects of light on skin, mixing flesh tones and application and rendering techniques. All levels of student welcome.

Friday & Saturday, August 9 & 10, 2019
Friday, 6–9 PM rehearsal and drawing (instructor present)
Saturday, 10–10:45 AM dance performance and drawing
FEE: $100, Enrollment limited to 28 students | Please see supply list
“The most important training for the student of life drawing is to practice drawing the human body in motion, just as the ancient Greek artists did by studying nude athletes competing in their events.”
In this workshop, Costa Vavagiakis, in partnership with Nu-Lu Danza, will teach students how to draw the human body in motion. On the first day of the workshop, Costa will instruct while five dancers rehearse a piece over the course of three hours. On the second day the company will perform the 45-minute work.
Founded in 2012 by dancers and choreographers Esteban Arana and Leticia Pliego, Nu-Lu Danza is a multicultural, multidisciplinary company seeking to provoke self-reflection in the audience. They have appeared with Dance Series at BAAD, Brooklyn Ballet, Dixon Place, Queens Museum, Summers Stage Central Park, AGDT, and other venues in New York City.
Classes are held at The Art Students League of New York | 215 West 57th Street, NYC 10019
Instructor present each day • Enrollment is limited • Please request supply list when registering
Register online, at the ASL office, or call 212-247-4510, ext. 0
For more information, visit www.theartstudentsleague.org
To download a flyer, click here.